• Sod is cut fresh daily. Call Ahead to order. One days’ notice preferred.
Call early morning and may be able to get sod on the same day.
• Zoysia Sod available when it turns GREEN. Late April or early May.
• Open Monday – Friday 8am – 4pm
Call in your Order Now!
Brookmeade Sod Farm is your local sod farm servicing the Richmond, Virginia metro area offering 50+ years of expertise and outstanding customer service.
Read more about our proud history.
Brookmeade is not licensed to clear or prepare your area, you may need to hire a landscaper.
Brookmeade works with the best, see Resources for landscaper’s contact information. Many homeowners will prepare the yard themselves and have Brookmeade install sod to their prepared grade. A couple of Do It Yourselfers can install an average of 300 square yards in a day, or invite friends and family for a sod laying party. Our veteran staff can save your back and knock it out with ease. Our guys harvest in the morning and install in the afternoon.
Just give us a call 804-883-6338
and let us help you figure out what you need.